Survey Says: Manufacturers are Feeling the FSMA Heat
Food manufacturers are focusing on quality big-time thanks to tougher industry standards like the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), according to a survey recently commissioned by Aptean, an enterprise software provider.
The survey, designed to gauge the sentiment of Aptean customers with respect to FSMA, found that more than 80 percent of respondents are reporting already experiencing the effects of FSMA and other food chain regulations. The manufacturers affected by the weight of the FSMA listed the following five areas of their operations as having been impacted the most: traceability, supplier & facility audits, HACCP/preventative programs, corrective actions, and product recalls.
“While I think most manufacturers support FSMA’s mission to put prevention at the forefront, many aren’t equipped to handle growing consumer concerns and compliance demands,” said Jack Payne, VP, Product Management and Solution Consulting, Aptean. “Our customers are taking the right steps by implementing advanced technology to transform their strategies from reactive to proactive.”
In addition, about 70 percent of the surveyed manufacturers said that they will need to expend “moderate to considerable effort” to comply with FSMA, even if they already meet Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) guidance and credentials.
Some of that effort can be relieved through the application of connected technologies and tracking solutions, especially in terms of meeting reporting, traceability and auditing standards under FSMA.
Although the additional requirements are all designed to create a safer food supply chain, the fact that there will be additional costs and challenges associated with FSMA compliance is inevitable. Mitigate those costs with IoT tech.