How Will FSMA’s Voluntary Qualified Importer Program Work?
FDA officials outline the benefits of VQIP in an online conversation.
“We will generally limit our examination and sampling of approved VQIP food to ‘for cause’ situations in which we suspect a potential risk to public health, such as possible contamination or misbranding,” said Doriliz De Leon, a Consumer Safety Officer in the Food Adulteration Assessment Branch in FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. “if the FDA does intend to examine or sample a VQIP food, the location of such sampling or examination would, to the extent possible, be at the VQIP food’s destination or another location chosen by the importer. And if the FDA samples a VQIP food, laboratory processing of such samples would be expedited,” she added.
Read more of the conversation on what products can be included, criteria importers need to meet, how and when to apply and how FDA will evaluate applications on the FDA website.